Tuesday, August 4, 2015



Tomato - 1
Tamarind - small round size
Water - 6 cups
Oil - 1tsp
Red Chilli - 1
Rasam powder - 21/2 tsp
Garlic - 3 cloves
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Asafoeetida powder - 2 pinch
curry leaf


Take the bowl pour the water, soak the tomato, tamarind and salt. Keep a side for 15 minutes. Then smash altogether.

Crush the garlic and keep a side.

Heat the oil and put the red chilli, rasam powder, turmeric powder, crushed garlic, curry leaf and asafoetida powder. Saute for 1 minute and pour the tomato tamarind water filter the chunks.  Put the cilantro. Wait for the bubbles to come. Once it started boiling switch off the stove. Tasty and yummy rasam is ready to eat with rice.

Note: See my Rasam Powder under the lable powders.

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